Photo: Fracked Gas Rally

This photo was taken on August 6 in Northfield, Massachusetts, near Greenfield. It shows a rally at the site of a proposed pipeline that would carry fracked gas. A steady stream of cars passed by, many of whose drivers gave the protesters a thumbs up sign. The hour-long rally happens every Thursday. It starts at 4:30 p.m. To get there, from the corner of Main Street and Maple Street in Northfield, go 2.7 miles on Maple Street. Maple Street starts at Main Street and becomes Gulf Road. For more information about the rally contact Hattie Nestel at or by phone at (978) 790-3074. More information about the pipeline is at:

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photo by Eesha Williams


Thanks for your reporting on

Thanks for your reporting on the issue.

Rosemary Wessel
No Fracked Gas in Mass
Cummington, MA

This is also the site of the

This is also the site of the proposed 41,000 horsepower compressor station.

-Hattie Nestel

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