Plastic Bags Banned in Northampton

Plastic bags will be banned in Northampton starting January 1. “There was overwhelming public support for this,” city council member Paul Spector told the Valley Post in a telephone interview December 21. “Almost the only ones who opposed it were national chain stores. Most of the local business owners supported it.” Dozens of people spoke in favor of the ban at public hearings, he said.

This year, stores in Northampton gave out about 10 million plastic bags. That's according to:

A list of places that have banned plastic bags is at:

They include the nations of Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Cameroon, China, Great Britain, Haiti, Italy, Ireland, Mali, Rwanda, South Africa, and Tanzania; the state of Hawaii; and the cities of Cambridge, Massachusetts; Los Angeles, California; San Francisco, California; Washington, DC; Portland, Oregon; Austin, Texas; and Seattle, Washington.



This is GREAT news! I look forward to the day when the use of plastic is very limited and single use items are banned! We need to go backwards to move forward. Our grandparents went to the grocery store with their own cart and bags. Thanks for sharing!

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