Valley Post Radio is On the Air

Valley Post Radio is airing on two local radio stations. Brattleboro Community Radio WVEW 107.7 FM, and Valley Free Radio WXOJ 103.3 FM in Northampton are airing the show. Both stations can be heard world-wide via their web sites.

Two weeks ago, Valley Post Radio began airing on "Cam's Carousel" at 12:30 p.m. every Wednesday. There may be a hiatus on August 24. On August 21 at 8:45 a.m., Valley Post Radio will be on WXOJ on "Kickin' It For Peace, Culture & Education."

You can hear Valley Post Radio anytime at:

To put the show on your portable MP3 player, use

The Valley Post thanks producer and co-host Gilbert Wermeling, an Amherst College student, for his volunteer labor. We also thank his co-hosts, Sabrina Micha, Anna Mindel, and Maggie Williams; the host of "Cam's Carousel" on WVEW, Camilla Goodwyn; and the host of WXOJ's "Kickin' It For Peace, Culture & Education," Rick Haggerty.


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