22 Protesters Arrested

Twenty-two people were arrested for non-violent civil disobedience in the Connecticut river valley town of Sandisfield, Massachusetts on July 29. They were protesting the construction of a fracked gas pipeline. Fracked gas causes climate change, which the world's leading scientists say is a major threat to earth's ability to support human life. Almost all the protesters are from the Pioneer Valley. The action was organized by the Sugar Shack Alliance, which has a web site at www.SugarShackAlliance.org.

In related news, there will be a rally against a proposed fracked gas pipeline in Lebanon, New Hampshire, about one-hour by car from Brattleboro, on August 12 at noon. The rally will be on the Lebanon Green, also known as Colburn Park. Details are at:


Amtrak goes from Springfield, Holyoke, Northampton, Greenfield, and Brattleboro to White River Junction, Vermont. From there to the rally is about four miles; local bus service is available. Greyhound goes from Keene to White River Junction.

In other news from the Valley, land has been saved from development. The USA is losing about 6,000 acres of open space every day, according to www.tpl.org/ourland. But in the Massachusetts towns of Williamsburg and Hatfield -- both of which border Northampton -- 128 acres of forestland was permanently protected by the Amherst-based Kestrel Land Trust. The group announced the victory in an e-mail to its members on July 26. Hiking trails are planned and will be open to the public.

In Conway, Massachusetts, near Greenfield, 71 acres of forestland were protected by the Franklin Land Trust, according to an e-mail the group sent its members on July 31.


Thank you, Eesha

Thank you for all of the news.

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