Rally Outside Greenfield Immigrant Jail

On July 12 there will be rallies to protest Trump's treatment of immigrants. The rallies will be outside the Greenfield, Massachusetts immigrant jail, and in downtown Putney, Vermont. Putney is about 10 minutes from Brattleboro by bus. The Greenfield rally starts at 5:30 p.m. outside 160 Elm Street. The Putney rally, which includes a candlelight vigil, starts at 8:30 p.m. at the corner of Main Street and Kimball Hill Road.

One of the goals of the Putney event is to “stand in solidarity with families facing inhumane conditions and treatment,” the organizers wrote. “In El Paso, Texas, migrants are being housed in outdoor conditions, under a bridge, with no running water, for months at a time. In Homestead, Florida a migrant child detention facility has caused mass abuse and neglect. We demand congress end human detention and impeach the president.”

More than 25 people had RSVP'd as of July 3. Details about the Putney event are at:


The goals of the Greenfield rally are to end Trump's ICE raids and deportations, abolish ICE, end “detention,” and stop “state sanctioned violence.” Fifty people had RSVP'd as of July 3. Details are at:


In many cases, people from poor nations move to rich nations so they don't die of starvation. The U.S. military is a big part of the reason why rich nations are rich and poor nations are poor. With 4 percent of the world's population, the USA spends as much on the military as the rest of the world combined. Almost half of this year's entire federal budget of about $3 trillion is being spent on war. That’s according to:


Some 13,000 years ago, through luck, white people ended up in the area now known as Iraq, which at the time had better farmland than the area where black people lived. This allowed white people to store surplus food, and allowed some members of their society to spend time doing things like inventing steel. This and other innovations are why white Europeans later took black Africans as slaves, rather than the other way around.

About 500 years ago, the vast majority of Native Americans in the areas now known as the USA and Mexico died from diseases imported by Europeans. This story of Iraq, Africa, the USA, and Mexico, is told in the book “Guns, Germs, and Steel” by Jared Diamond.


Vermont Farmworkers Detained

Three VT migrant farmworkers were picked up outside a Walmart where they had gone to send remittances home. Here's a link to the Digger story:


Migrant Justice has organized a petition and call-in drive to get them released:

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