Workers Win

Hundreds of union workers in Brattleboro had a major win November 16 when Megan Baston resigned from her job as a senior executive at the Brattleboro Retreat mental hospital. The workers held rallies earlier this year demanding her resignation. “The union wishes Meghan Baston the best in her future endeavors," Sy Creamer told the Valley Post on November 19. Creamer is president of the union at the Retreat. The union has a web site at Unions reduce inequality and increase democracy.


Environmental activists are celebrating in Chesterfield, Massachusetts. Chesterfield borders Westhampton, which borders Northampton. Sixteen acres moved a major step toward being saved from development. Markelle Smith works for the Massachusetts branch of a group that has a web site at On November 16, she told the Valley Post, “The 16 acre parcel located along the Chesterfield Gorge contains important wildlife and aquatic habitat.” More information about the status of the land is available from Smith.


“We have never stopped fighting,” Laurie Boosahda told the Valley Post. She is part of a group in Deerfield, Massachusetts that is working to protect open space and keep out a corporate chain store, Dollar General. Deerfield borders Greenfield. In 2018 the Valley Post reported that the group, which has a web page at

had beaten Dollar General. But now the company is again trying to pave open space in town.

Boosahda said, “Unfortunately the article in the (November 14, 2020 edition of the Greenfield) Recorder was very limited. The developer has sued the Deerfield planning board, and is still seeking a special permit from the Deerfield zoning board of appeals. A group of citizens – including abutters -- organized to present evidence showing the proposal is detrimental to neighbors and to the community.”


In Amherst, Black Lives Matters activists are asking Amherst residents to take part in a Zoom public hearing being held by the town council. The hearing is set for November 19 at 6:30 p.m. Details are at this web page, which is run by the activists:


A few locally owned businesses are a big part of the heart and soul of downtown Brattleboro. The food co-op, Brown and Roberts hardware store, Sam's clothing store, Everyone's Books, and Amy's Bakery. After a several-months-long hiatus, Amy's will re-open November 20 until the end of December. The business is for sale, Amy Comerchero told the Valley Post on November 16. She started the business 20 years ago and still owns it. She said, “Amy's Bakery is for sale, outright or in working-partner shares.” Call or text Comerchero at 802-380-9609 or email for more information.


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