25 Rally in Blizzard on MLK Day

In the middle of a major snow storm about 25 people attended a rally in Northampton on Martin Luther King day. The goal was to get congress to pass voting rights bills. Congressman Jim McGovern and Northampton city councilor Garrick Perry were at the rally, Debby Pastrich-Klemer told the Valley Post. She is a leader in the Northampton Democratic party.


Green Mountain National Forest is near Brattleboro. Activists who have a web page at


are organizing a January 29 march in Burlington to stop logging in the forest.


Westmoreland, New Hampshire is about three miles from Brattleboro. Officials with the New Hampshire state government, and the Cheshire county government, say Cindi Adler, the former tax collector and town clerk in Westmoreland, should go to jail for up to 15 years if she admits to stealing money from the town. She has been charged with that crime. Keene-based county prosecutor Chris McLaughlin referred the Valley Post to Sullivan county attorney Christine Hilliard. Hilliard did not immediately respond to a phone message. This article will be updated when she replies.


The group Rights and Democracy New Hampshire is fighting to raise the minimum wage, and bring about universal health care. The group's members are busy gearing up for the congressional elections in November.


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