Rally to Save the Fish

On April 2 about 30 people were at a rally in Montague, Massachusetts. Montague borders Greenfield. The goal was to get politicians to “stop the massive destruction of fish and related river life by the Northfield Mountain Pumped Storage Station,” on the Connecticut river near the Vermont – Massachusetts border. An April 4 mass email from the Wendell State Forest Alliance reported on the rally.


About 25 people were at a union rally on March 28 in Northampton, a Massachusetts Nurses Association (MNA) union spokesperson told the Valley Post. It was organized by MNA. Details are at www.MassNurses.org.


Kathy Urffer works in Brattleboro for the Connecticut River Conservancy. On March 29 she told the Valley Post her group is working to keep so-called “wake boats” out of some Vermont lakes and ponds. The boats make waves for water-skiers to jump off of. “The standards in the petition -- 1,000 feet from shoreline and at least 20 feet deep – would rule out wake boats on the Connecticut River from Vermont's perspective. But since the (Vermont-New Hampshire part of the) river is mostly in New Hampshire, we would probably need a similar effort in that state. A New Hampshire legislative bill was shot down this year so lake advocates there continue to work on it. We are keeping track of it and helping where we can.”


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