160 Rally

About 160 people attended an abortion rights rally in Northampton on October 8. One of the speakers at the rally was state senator Jo Comerford. On October 11, she told the Valley Post, “It was one of the most inspiring rallies I've ever attended. I'm still energized.”


In Brattleboro on June 24 about 150 people attended an abortion rights rally, Eileen Sullivan told the Valley Post in June. She works for Planned Parenthood. In Northampton on June 24 about the same number of people attended a rally for the same cause, organizer Debby Pastrich-Klemer told the Valley Post. Two groups helped her: Valley Women’s March and Indivisible Northampton. “150 people is great for a last-minute event,” Pastrich-Klemer said in June. The protests were in response to a supreme court decision issued hours earlier. Now it's up to Biden and congress to over-rule the court. Biden says he will do it if congress does.

On October 11, Pastrich-Klemer told the Valley Post she is organizing another rally, this one for democracy in light of the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol building by Trump supporters. The rally will be in Northampton outside city hall on October 22 at 12:30 p.m. For more information, contact Pastrich-Klemer at debp326@gmail.com.


In Brattleboro, activists are working to improve bus service between Brattleboro and Keene. There will be a public hearing October 18 at 10 a.m. at 835 Court Street in Keene. The event is being organized by New Hampshire's Southwest Region Planning Commission. Traveling by bus rather than by car is good for nature. Electric cars are not the answer because just three percent of the USA's electricity is solar. Much more electricity would be needed if everyone switched to electric cars.


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