Workers Unite

On August 25 in Hadley, Massachusetts, all the workers at the Barnes & Noble corporate chain bookstore walked off the job to protest the company's refusal to hire enough workers. Hadley borders Northampton. The walk-out lasted from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. Photos show dozens of people marching outside the store. The workers have a web site at


On August 25 in Springfield, about 30 people attended a rally for tenants' rights, Charles Stokes told the Valley Post. He is a candidate for city council and he was at the rally. The organizers have a web site at


On September 13 or 14 there will be an election to decide if the workers at the Hadley Michael's store will have a union. “We're still haggling with the company” over which day the vote will be, Jeff Jones told the Valley Post on August 30. He's president of the union that the workers want to join. The union has a web site at It represents workers at the Brattleboro food co-op, among other workplaces.

On August 10, two dozen workers at the store filed with the federal government for a union election. Michael's is a national chain store. Low wages and a shortage of workers are two of the problems the workers hope to address by organizing. The store sells arts and crafts supplies.


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