1,300 March, Rally; 57 Arrested

On October 25 in Amherst, 57 people were arrested for non-violent civil disobedience and about 600 marched. They were demanding UMass cut its ties with military contractors, and that Biden and congress stop funding Israel's war against Palestine. The protest organizers have a web page at www.instagram.com/umassdissenters/

The same day in Northampton, about 600 people marched outside the L3 Harris Technologies military contractor facility. They were also demanding that Biden and congress stop funding Israel's war against Palestine. One of the groups that organized the march has a web page at www.facebook.com/AntiImperialistActionWMass/

In Brattleboro on October 20, about 100 people attended an outdoor rally despite heavy rain. They were also demanding that Biden and congress stop funding Israel's war against Palestine.


Cindy Palmer is chair of the town of Southampton, Massachusetts's Open Space Committee. Southampton borders Holyoke. On October 21, she told the Valley Post that about 1,000 acres of farmland and forestland in Southampton and two neighboring towns will soon be permanently protected from development. The neighboring towns are Westhampton and Montgomery. More information is available from a group that has a web site at www.KestrelTrust.org.


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