500 People March 25 Miles

About 500 people marched 25 miles from Northampton to Springfield on December 16. They were calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. The march was organized by a group that has a web site at www.jvp.org.

In Brattleboro, there will be a rally to demand politicians stop U.S. military aid to Israel. The rally will be on December 23 at noon at Pliny Park. JVP endorsed the rally.

In Northampton on December 19, about 50 students from the public high school attended a student-organized rally for the same cause. The Valley Post asked the school's principal to facilitate an interview with two of the organizers. He replied by email to say he's on vacation until January 2. He did not say anything else relevant.


On December 21, Maeg Yosef told the Valley Post that the National Labor Relations Board ruled that Trader Joe's in Hadley, Massachusetts illegally fired a worker for supporting the workers' union. Yosef has worked at the store for many years. Hadley borders Northampton. The union's web site is https://traderjoesunited.org.


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