Activists: 'Healthcare is a Human Right'

About 400 people attended rallies in Amherst and Keene on January 15, declaring, “Healthcare is a human right.” President-elect Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress are planning major cuts to programs that provide free or reduced-price health care to poor people. The Amherst rally was also intended to protest plans to cut Social Security.

About 200 people were at the Keene rally and about 200 attended the rally in Amherst. The rally in Keene was organized by the Monadnock Progressive Alliance, which has a web page at:

One of the organizers of the Amherst rally, Don Ogden, has a web site at

In related news, locals plan to be among at least 200,000 people expected at the Women's March on Washington on January 21. Details, and interviews with people from the Valley who will be at the march in Washington, DC, are at:

Local rallies in solidarity with the Women's March on Washington are planned for Northampton, Greenfield, and Keene. More information is at:

As of January 19, more than 800 people had RSVP'd for the Greenfield rally at:

The Washington, DC march web site lists its "partners" as the AFL-CIO,, and other groups.


Keene rally 1/15

it's great to know that thinks are happening all over this area! Just to claify, we actually had closer to 300 people at the rally in Keene, which is pretty amazing as we only had 8 days to plan it!
Thank you for your coverage!

We also have a website:

D'Vorah Kelley
Keene NH

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