Local News Roundup

On July 29 in Northampton, there will be a march for universal health care. The march starts at 1 p.m. at Childs Park, which is bordered by North Elm and Prospect streets, and by Woodlawn Avenue. As of July 26, more than 65 people had RSVP'd at:


In other news from the Valley, on July 20, workers who had been on strike at a private school in Brattleboro won their struggle. The workers had asked for the school's board of directors, and the school's executive director, to resign. The workers held well-attended rallies and got support from the community. The local daily newspaper was flooded with letters of support for the striking workers. The school has a web site at www.neCenterForCircusArts.org.

In Easthampton, Massachusetts, which borders Holyoke and Northampton, there will be a rally for a world without nuclear weapons. It will be on August 6 at 7 p.m. at Nashawannuck Pond, near 50 Payson Avenue. Details are at:



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