March Planned

More than 200 people attended a rally in Amherst on September 24. “We're asking the UMass administration to disband Theta Chi (fraternity) due to the countless stories that have shown their violence towards UMass students,” Anna Morel-Paletta told the Valley Post on September 26. She organized the rally. Morel-Paletta said, “Additionally, we're asking for the Survivor's Bill of Rights to be enacted to ensure that UMass starts taking claims of sexual assault seriously. Multiple people have claimed that UMass didn't do anything when they reported an experience of sexual assault.”

She said for more information people should go to:


On September 28 Nora Maynard of Turner's Falls, Massachusetts, near Greenfield, was arrested with seven other people for non-violent civil disobedience outside the Massachusetts governor's home near Boston. “We demand climate justice and a declaration of climate and ecological emergency,” the event organizers said. “The time to act is now.” The organizers have a web page at:


As of September 29, more than 70 people had RSVP'd to an October 2 abortion rights march in Northampton. The march starts and ends at city hall. Details are at:


On September 26, the second headline from the top of the New York Times web site was about an Amtrak train that derailed in Montana, killing three people. Ben Heckscher runs a Northampton-based group that has a web site at On September 27, he told the Valley Post that, according to the Washington Post, “Trains are considered one of the safest modes of transportation in the United States. Roadway deaths make up about 95 percent of all transportation-related fatalities in the United States and are about 17 times as high as rail-related deaths, according to an analysis from the National Safety Council. Most rail-related deaths involved trespassers at rail crossings."

Jason Abrams is an Amtrak spokesperson. On September 27, he told the Valley Post, "According to a study by the American Public Transportation Association, public transportation is still the safest way to travel. Overall, APTA's report found that taking public transit, such as trains and buses, decreases the chances of an individual being in an accident by more than 90 percent when compared to driving."


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