Workers Win

On April 22 a spokesperson for the union for Northampton public school teachers told the Valley Post that about 80 members of the union attended a rally outside Northampton city hall. The goal was fair wages for workers known as “educational support professionals.” The rally was on April 14. The union has a web site at

Brattleboro public school teachers are union members too. They have a web site at According to their union's Facebook page, on April 28 they had a major victory when the Vermont House of Representatives voted to honor the state's promise to pay teachers' pensions. Teachers held a rally in Brattleboro to make this vote happen.

Unions are good for democracy because they reduce the gap between rich and poor. Billionaires buy politicians.

Anti-union members of congress say the government can't afford to pay low wage school workers better. But congress doesn't hesitate to pour money into war. Last month Biden “released his proposed fiscal year 2023 budget... It calls for $813 billion in military spending, a 4 percent, or $30 billion increase, from the 2022 budget, which was a 5 percent increase from the 2021 military budget, which was a $733 million increase from the 2022 budget, which was 4.4 percent increase from the 2019 budget,” says a mass email from a group that has a web site at “Contact your members of Congress now and tell them to CUT THE PENTAGON! They must oppose Biden’s 2023 military budget.”


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