800 at Rally

About 800 people attended an abortion rights rally in Northampton on May 14, Debby Pastrich-Klemer told the Valley Post. The rally was organized by Pastrich-Klemer, Planned Parenthood, and the Valley Women’s March. The biggest cause of climate change is over-population. That's according to:



Hadley, Massachusetts borders Northampton. In Hadley workers at the Trader Joe's supermarket are organizing a union, Maeg Yosef told the Valley Post. She has worked at the store for nearly 20 years. The majority of the workers at the store support the union, Yosef said. The workers have a web site at https://traderjoesunited.org


In Greenfield on May 6 about 60 people marched for jobs with justice, Joe Markman told the Valley Post. He works for the union that organized the march, the Massachusetts Nurses Association. More information is at www.MassNurses.org.


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