Workers Unite

In Brattleboro, about 15 UPS workers attended a labor rally on June 30. On August 1, the biggest strike against a single employer in U.S. history will probably start. UPS workers this summer voted 97 percent in favor of striking if they don't get a fair union contract. UPS reported record profits that let $8 billion in dividends be paid to UPS shareholders last year. Many UPS workers make $15 an hour. The workers have a web site at


In Hadley, Massachusetts, which borders Northampton, on July 1, there was a 40 minute strike by the workers at Trader Joe's supermarket. The strike began at 4 p.m. A photo of a rally outside the store during the strike shows 60 people. The workers have a web site at

The "longest strike in U.S. history (was) the United Auto Workers’ seven-year battle with the Kohler Corporation from 1954 to 1961. The strike was ... a remarkable victory for the union and the national labor movement. The strike was centered in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, a town of about 50,000 located on the shores of Lake Michigan. Kohler (was) founded in 1873 to produce bathroom and kitchen fixtures," according to:


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