60 Rally

In Northampton on July 25, about 45 people attended a rally to protest Chase bank's support of the fossil fuel industry. The Brattleboro area was hit hard by floods this month. The floods were made worse by climate change. The Northampton rally organizers have a web site at http://climateactionnowma.org. Russ Vernon-Jones was one of the organizers. He told the Valley Post, "It was a great success. We had more people protesting Chase Bank than went into the bank during the entire morning of their 'grand opening.' We had banners, posters, handouts, and music from part of the Expandable Brass Band. We had good conversations with a number of people walking by. Lots of drivers beeped their car horns and gave us a thumbs up.”


In November 2022 about 40 people were at a rally in Northfield, Massachusetts. Northfield borders Gill, which borders Greenfield. The goal was to get politicians to “stop the massive destruction of fish and related river life by the Northfield Mountain Pumped Storage Station,” on the Connecticut river near the Vermont – Massachusetts border.

A photo of people singing at the rally is at:


On July 25, 2023 members of the same group attended a protest in Northfield for the same cause. This time they blocked two tour buses full of people who work for the industry for about 45 minutes. A photo provided by the protest organizers shows about 15 protesters. They have a web site at https://ctriverdefenders.org. They wrote, “The Connecticut River Defenders are calling for all those opposed to Northfield Mountain Pumped Storage Station to gather on the Gill-Montague Bridge over the Connecticut River on Friday July 28, 4:30-6pm to continue the resistance to this destructive facility.”


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