Huge Park Near Brattleboro, Keene May Be Paved

Pisgah State Park is the biggest state park in New Hampshire. It's a 10 minute drive from both Brattleboro and Keene, and is just a few miles from Massachusetts. On June 8, the New Hampshire Parks Advisory Council released a proposed plan that placed Pisgah State Park in a class which, among other choices for alternative management, includes "disposal," the so-called ā€œCā€ list.

There will be public hearings, but not in Keene. The closest is in Peterborough:

June 23, 4 p.m.

Peterborough Town Hall
1 Grove Street
Peterborough, NH

There is also the opportunity for written comment:

The NH Division of Parks and Recreation has released the draft version of the Ten-Year Strategic and Capital Improvement Plan on its website, The Division will be accepting public comment until July 11 via fax (603-271-3553), e-mail (, or mail: P.O. Box 1856, Concord, NH 03302.

Among some of the options mentioned in the plan are various privitization schemes.

Please come to the meeting, and write to the address given to voice your concerns.


This article was written by state Rep. Dan Carr:

P.O. Box 111
Ashuelot, NH 03441

phone: 603-239-6830


Map by the Trust for Public Land, 2006. This map shows the Pioneer Valley section of the Connecticut River watershed. Land outside the watershed is light green, meaning streams in that area do not flow to the Connecticut River. Dark green land has been protected from development. Red land is vulnerable to being paved with McMansions, Wal-Marts, parking lots, roads, and ChemLawns. Click on the map to enlarge.


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