Amherst Healthcare Rally June 25

Jon Weissman was a mailman in Springfield, Mass. for 25 years before he was elected president of that city’s Letter Carriers’ union. He now runs the western Mass. chapter of a national group, Jobs With Justice

Weissman writes:

We need a system that guarantees quality, affordable health care for everyone in America, and that:

-has the clout to force insurance companies to improve the coverage they offer and contain health care costs;

-guarantees standard, comprehensive benefits at an affordable price;

-provides everyone the security that quality, affordable coverage will always be there;

-means we are not left at the mercy of the same private insurance companies that have gotten us into this mess.

We need to stand with President Obama in support of a public health insurance option and urge action for real reform now.
Don’t let the insurance companies and others who profit from our dysfunctional health care system derail health care reform.

Please join us for a rally on June 25 at 5 p.m. in front of Amherst town hall

For more information call Weissman at (413) 827-0301 or e-mail


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