150 at Rally Against Lay-Offs at Northampton Hospital

About 150 people turned out for a rally against lay-offs at Cooley Dickinson Hospital in Northampton on November 9. Hospital officials recently said they will soon lay off an unspecified number of workers, including nurses. The officials said the number of lay-offs could be around 10.

"The lay-offs are unnecessary," said Charlie Rasmussen of the Massachusetts Nurses Association, the union that represents 270 nurses at the hospital. “Cooley Dickinson has an $8.9 million surplus this year.”

Rasmussen urged people who want to support the nurses and maintain the quality of care that patients get at the hospital to call Cooley Dickinson CEO Craig Melin and ask him to cancel the lay-offs. Melin can be reached at (413) 582-2000. More information is available at www.MassNurses.org


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