Northampton Living Wage Vote Is Dec. 3

On December 3, the Northampton city council will vote on a living wage proposal. At its November 19 meeting, the council in a unanimous vote gave preliminary approval to the non-binding resolution. If it passes, the measure will set $11.90 an hour as the minimum wage necessary to support a full-time worker. The wage will be adjusted annually to keep pace with inflation.

The measure will encourage employers to pay the living wage, and makes it city policy to “make all efforts” to conduct business only with employers that pay a living wage. At least once a year, the city will “publicly acknowledge” businesses that pay a living wage.

Kitty Callaghan is a lawyer and an organizer of the Northampton Living Wage Coalition, which proposed the measure. She can be reached at (413) 584-4034 or

Dozens of cities around the nation have passed laws raising the minimum wage above federal and state levels for some or all workers in their city.

The Northampton resolution is at:

The city council will take its second and final vote on December 3 at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers behind City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, Callaghan said.


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