Photo: Hundreds in Northampton March for Peace

Hundreds of people in Northampton marched for peace on March 20. The march and a rally were organized by the western Massachusetts chapter of the women's group Code Pink, and other groups. More information is available at


To enlarge the photo, please click on it, the sroll down and click "See full-size image." photo by Eesha Williams


A small percentage of the military budget could pay for universal health care. Last year, more than 44,000 Americans died because the U.S. does not have universal health care, which Canada, Cuba, Europe, Japan, and every other rich nation has. Details are at:

Out of a federal budget of about $2,900,000,000,000 about half goes to war. Details are at:


(This article replaces a Valley Post article about the march that was published on 3/15/2010.)


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