Marriage Equality Vote is March 20 in Hinsdale

At the annual town meeting in Hinsdale, New Hampshire on March 20 townspeople will vote on a marriage equality question. Hinsdale is directly across the Connecticut river from Brattleboro.

In June 2009, New Hampshire became the sixth state to let gay people marry. Now opponents of marriage equality are using town meetings to try to overturn the June decision by the governor and state legislature.

“I will be voting no on Article 24, and I urge others to do the same,” said Dorianne Almann of Hinsdale. She is a supporter of marriage equality. “The ultimate goal of the amendment is to deny marriage to people.”

Almann said Americans have never used the Constitution to discriminate. “We have only made amendments to grant more rights, for example, rights for black people and women. Let’s not start writing discrimination into our Constitution now.”

More information is at and


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