7,000 Vermont Workers to Vote on Union

About 7,000 workers in Vermont will vote on whether to form a union. The so-called “homecare” workers take care of patients who are too sick or too elderly to take care of themselves. They... Read more »

Valley Nuke Protests

The below photo was taken on August 10. Dozens of kayaks and canoes were paddled by protesters near Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. The reactor is three miles from Massachusetts and a... Read more »

Photo: Construction Site on a Farm Field

This photo was taken on August 8 near Brattleboro. It shows construction workers preparing concrete molds on part of a farm field while farm workers hoe lettuce nearby. Between 1982 and 2000, the... Read more »

Northampton City Council Picks a Fight With Firefighters

The Northampton city council is refusing to approve a union contract for the city’s firefighters. The contract has the support of the mayor and a state mediator. The firefighters are asking the... Read more »

Keene Wetlands Vote Is August 1

At its August 1 meeting, the Keene city council will vote on whether to save wetlands. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. According to the federal government, wetlands “trap floodwaters, recharge... Read more »