Valley Marchers to Fight Fossil Fuels September 24

On September 24, in Northampton and Amherst, there will be marches to protest the use of fossil fuels. At 11:30 a.m., marchers will leave from the site of a proposed large group of solar panels at the UMass horse farm at 111 North Maple Street in Hadley. They will march to the park in front of the Amherst Town Hall. The march is scheduled to arrive at the town hall at 12:30 p.m.

At noon in Northampton, a march will start at 210 Main Street (in front of City Hall) and end behind the building at 150 Main Street. The march will go via Pleasant and Armory streets.

Also on the same day, bicycle riders plan to leave the Mount Tom coal power plant at 200 Northampton Street (aka Route 5) in Holyoke at 11 a.m., ride north on Route 5, to Route 9 east, and arrive at the park in front of the Amherst Town Hall at 12:30 p.m.

Hurricane Irene caused massive damage in Vermont last month. Burning fossil fuels causes global warming which causes severe weather events like droughts and floods. That's according to the book Eaarth by Bill McKibben, published last year.

More information is at



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