Forest Defenders

Three local town governments will soon vote on whether to add 688 acres to a state park that’s near Keene and just a few miles from Massachusetts and Vermont. Meanwhile, a new organization is working to limit logging in the park. At more than 13,000 acres, Pisgah is New Hampshire’s biggest state park.

“This is on the Swanzey select board agenda for September 24,” Shane O’Keefe told the Valley Post. He is that town’s Administrator. “The meeting begins at 6 p.m. but [Pisgah] probably won’t be discussed until 7 or 7:30,” he said.

Rick Carrier is Chesterfield, New Hampshire’s Administrator. On September 16, Carrier told the Valley Post that the Chesterfield select board would discuss expanding Pisgah at its meeting on September 18, and that a final vote would happen at a future meeting. The board meets every Wednesday.

Keene mayor Kendall Lane did not respond to a phone message left on September 16, or to an e-mail sent on September 18.

The Monadnock Conservancy is asking those three towns to expand Pisgah.

Kathy Thatcher lives in Chesterfield. She is a member of a new group, Defenders of Pisgah. “There is too much commercial timber harvesting in Pisgah,” she told the Valley Post. The Defenders have had two meetings in the past month, each attended by about a dozen people, Thatcher said. The group will soon launch a web site, she added. Meanwhile, Thatcher can be reached by phone at (603) 363-4482.


Through the Gate of Trees

Heard a reading by Woodbury, VT poet George Lisi on Wednesday in Montpelier. If you are not for this extension of the conservation area then you should read his poems about the green men or listen to him on Sound Cloud. These are sentient beings. They are part of our family. They deserve our protection.

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