Rally: Tax the Rich

On April 11 at 7 a.m., a bus will leave Springfield to bring people to a rally in Boston to call for raising taxes on rich people to help poor people and the environment. The bus will leave from 1381 Liberty Street. The Fair Share amendment is a proposal to amend the Massachusetts constitution. It would create a tax of an extra 4 percent on the part of a person’s annual income above $1 million. The new revenue, approximately $2 billion a year, would be spent on public schools, public colleges and universities, and public transportation, among other things. The bus and rally organizers have a web site at www.RaiseUpMA.org.

In other news from the Valley, there were rallies in Amherst and Northampton to demand that the federal government make public the full Mueller report about Trump. The Amherst rally was on April 6. About 40 people were there, organizer Pat Fiero told the Valley Post. The Northampton rally was on April 4. About 25 people were there. The rally organizers have a web site at www.MoveOn.org.

On April 9, Congresswoman Nita Lowey said the attorney general’s summary of Mueller's report “cherry-picked from the report to draw the most favorable conclusion possible for the president.” In February, Trump appointed the attorney general.

In other news from the Valley, on April 11 in Northampton there will be a rally to demand that all workers in Northampton public schools make at least $15 an hour. Starting pay for cafeteria workers is $11.64 an hour; for custodians it's $12.01. The rally will be at 6:15 p.m. outside JFK middle school. A phone number for the union that's organizing the rally is at www.MassTeacher.org.


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