Events Will Help People Get State Money for Home Energy Efficiency

A group of people in Springfield is helping Valley residents get state money to make their homes more energy efficient. The group, the Alliance to Develop Power, is hosting free, public evening meetings in: Amherst January 19, Easthampton January 20, Northampton January 26, and Greenfield February 2.

People at the meetings will learn how to sign up for a free energy assessment, get money for weatherization and other energy efficiency services, said Boone Shear of the Alliance.

The meeting will be in:

-Amherst, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Bangs Community Center, 70 Boltwood Walk;

-Easthampton, 6 – 8 p.m., Manhan Café, 72 Union St.;

-Northampton, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Studio Helix in Thorne’s Market, 150 Main Street;

-Greenfield, 6 - 8 p.m., Greenfield Community Gardens, 57 Pray Dr.

Shear said: “The Alliance to Develop Power and a statewide Green Justice Coalition —- comprised of labor groups, community groups, environmental organizations, and clergy -— are working to ensure that new investments in the 'green economy' provide opportunities to lift up those who have been hit by the recession.”

“The Coalition is working with and putting pressure on the utilities and government to ensure equitable access to the Mass Save state program, to make strategic investments in distressed communities, and to create good, green jobs that are family sustaining and have career ladders.”

“The community meetings will provide information about existing projects and campaigns, and offer a forum for discussion about how to create an inclusive green economy.”

According to its web site, the Alliance to Develop Power works to create cooperatively controlled institutions. “We are multi-racial and multi-ethnic, low income and working people, young and old, people of faith, American born and immigrant.”

The Alliance also works to create affordable housing, and get unpaid wages to workers. It gives out food to hungry people. The Alliance is a “low wage and immigrant worker center with voting rights with the local and national AFL-CIO.”

The web site says: “We recognize that it is difficult -- if not impossible -- for people to work for social and economic justice when their immediate needs for food, housing, and employment are unmet…”

More information on the energy efficiency meetings is available at or by calling Shear at 413-658-7171 (cell) or 413-739-7233 (office).

Government money for home energy efficiency improvements for Vermonters is available from

New Hampshire residents can visit:

and the power company run:


Tonight's Green Justice

Tonight's Green Justice Meeting in Greenfield is postponed until Feb. 9. Tomorrow's Green Justice Meeting in Northampton is still on.

Boone Sheer

The Northampton meeting has

The Northampton meeting has been rescheduled due to impending inclement weather. There is a new date and location: Feb. 3 at 6:30 p.m. at the Frances Crowe Room in the Media Education Foundation building at 60 Masonic St.

Boone Sheer

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