The Shutdown Jamboree

The Nuclear Free Jubilee, a parade and rally to close the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant, is set for Saturday, Oct. 25, in Brattleboro. Nerissa and Katryna Nields, about whom the Washington... Read more »

Big Box Battle

Greenfield activists fight to save their downtown, and wetlands along the French King Highway, from the effects of sprawl.

In Greenfield, a group of citizens is fighting plans by a... Read more »

Vermont Music Spirit Alive and Well: Artistry and community take precedence over profit at year's festivals

An intricate trellis bent into an archway shimmers with strings of lights against a dusky late-summer backdrop.

Stepping beyond this—through what feels like a portal protecting some... Read more »

Nuke Fight Nears Decisive Moment

Under pressure from the public, the Vermont Legislature can close the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant.

The Vermont Legislature will make history in a vote expected as early as January on... Read more »

What Now?

With the closing of big box stores in Brattleboro and Hinsdale, local environmentalists consider how to reuse sites in a greener, more economically responsible way

Four years ago, Home... Read more »